
    Preparation of Black Copper Electrolyte by Acid Oxidation Leaching of Refining Slag

    • 摘要: 这是一篇冶金工程领域的文章。研究了双氧水氧化酸性浸出法从高铜高锡阳极炉精炼渣中脱除铜制备黑铜电解液。主要考查了双氧水用量、反应温度、硫酸浓度、固液比和反应时间等因素对铜脱除效果的影响。结果表明, 在精炼渣20.0 g,2.0 mol/L硫酸溶液200 mL,S/L=1/10,浸出温度65 ℃,双氧水用量10.0 mL,搅拌速度400 r/min和浸出时间60 min时,Cu、As的平均浸出率分别达到88.98%、87.33%,而Ni和Sn的浸出率仅为7.72%和1.34%,浸出液中铜离子浓度为48.48 g/L,可用于黑铜电解液的补充液。


      Abstract: This is an article in the field of metallurgical engineering. The preparation of black copper electrolyte by removing copper from secondary refining slag of high copper and high tin anode furnace by hydrogen peroxide oxidation and acid leaching was studied. The process conditions related to the removal efficiency of the copper and arsenic were researched including the hydrogen peroxide dosage, reaction temperature, sulfuric acid concentration and reaction time. Results show that, under the following optimal conditions, including refining slag of 20.0 g, 2.5 mol/L sulfuric acid of 200 mL, solid-liquid ratio of 1/10, temperature of 65 ℃, dosage of hydrogen peroxide of 10.0 mL, stirring speed of 400 r/min and leaching time of 60 min, the leaching ratios of Cu and As can reach 88.98% and 87.33%, respectively, and the leaching ratios of Ni and Sn were only 7.72% and 1.34%, respectively. The concentration of copper ion in the leaching solution was 48.48 g/L, which can be used as the supplement of black copper electrolyte.


