
    Research on the Synthesis of Hafnium Diboride via Molten Salts

    • 摘要: 这是一篇冶金工程领域的论文。以氧化铪和碳化硼为原料,采用氯化钠为熔盐介质,通过硼/碳热还原法合成了纯度较高的硼化铪粉体。研究了反应温度、保温时间等合成工艺参数以及原料配比对材料晶相组成和显微结构的影响。结果表明,以氯化钠为熔盐介质时,氧化铪在1300 ℃的合成温度下开始转化为硼化铪,其温度远低于传统的硼化铪合成所需温度。在硼过量20%,反应温度和保温时间分别为1400 ℃和2 h所制备的硼化铪粉体纯度较高,X射线衍射中可以明显观察到硼化铪结晶峰,且在扫描电镜中可以观察到紧密团聚形貌的硼化铪。


      Abstract: This is an article in the field of metallurgical engineering. High purity hafnium diboride (HfB2) powders were synthesized from hafnium oxide (HfO2) and boron carbide (B4C) powders via sodium chloride as the molten salt through boron/carbon thermal reduction. Investigations were carried out to determine the effect of synthesis parameters (reaction temperature, holding time) and boron content on the phase composition and microstructure of the synthesized hafnium diboride powders. The results demonstrated when sodium chloride was used as the molten salt medium, the conversion of HfO2 to HfB2 started at 1300 ℃, which was significantly lower than the temperature required for conventional hafnium diboride. The purity of the HfB2 powder was the highest when the boron excess was 20%, with the reaction temperature and holding time being 1400 ℃ and 2 h, respectively. HfB2 crystalline peaks were prominent in X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) confirmed HfB2 in a densely agglomerated structure.


