
    Comprehensive Recovery Test of Valuable Metals from a Silver, Gold and Copper Bearing Sulfide Concentrate

    • 摘要: 这是一篇矿物加工工程领域的论文。对某含铜金银硫精矿进行了选矿综合回收实验研究,实验结果表明,采用异丁基黄药+乙硫氮组合捕收剂,氧化钙做抑制剂,2#油做起泡剂,经过一次粗选-三次精选-二次扫选的浮选工艺流程,最终可得到铜品位为16.66%、回收率为86.96%,金品位为278.95 g/t,回收率为75.56%;银品位为1848.74 g/t,回收率为78.55%的精矿产品,有效地实现了硫精矿中铜的综合回收,同时使金、银很好地富集在铜精矿中,便于回收利用,选矿指标理想。


      Abstract: This is an article in the field of mineral processing engineering. The comprehensive recovery test of silver, gold and copper bearing sulfide concentrate was carried out. With isobutyl xanthate and sodium diethyl dithiocarbamate as a combined collector, calcium oxide as the depressant, 2# oil as a frother, which produced a concentrate approaching 16.66% Cu grade at 86.96% recovery, Au content of 278.95 g/t at 75.56% Au recovery and Ag content of 1848.74 g/t at 78.55% Ag recovery by a flotation process consisting of one stage of roughing, three stages of cleaning and two stages of scavenging was used to collect lead minerals. The comprehensive recovery of copper from sulfur concentrate has been effectively realized. At the same time, gold and silver are well enriched in copper concentrate, which is convenient for recovery and utilization, and the mineral processing index is ideal.


