
    Influence of Basalt Fiber on Torsion Resistance of Gangue Concrete

    • 摘要: 这是一篇陶瓷及复合材料领域的论文。为了提高煤矸石混凝土构件的材料力学性能,采用玄武岩纤维对混凝土进行改性。运用经验公式预测了4种玄武岩纤维掺量下混凝土的弹性模量,利用有限元软件对煤矸石混凝土构件进行扭转数值模拟,并据此提出了极限承载力的经验公式。结果表明:由经验公式得到的煤矸石混凝土弹性模量预测值与实测结果的误差较小;通过数值计算得到的玄武岩纤维改性煤矸石混凝土构件的扭转曲线符合相关实验的实测结果;在煤矸石水泥砂浆中掺入玄武岩纤维可以显著提升煤矸石骨料之间的黏结性能,进而加强煤矸石混凝土构件的抗扭性能。


      Abstract: This is an article in the field of ceramics and composites. In order to improve the mechanical properties of concrete, basalt fiber is used to prepare torsional members of gangue concrete. The empirical formula is used to predict the elastic modulus of concrete with four kinds of basalt fiber content. Then, the finite element software is applied to carry out torsion numerical simulation of gangue concrete members and the empirical formula of ultimate bearing capacity is proposed. The results show that the error between the predicted elastic modulus and the measured one is relatively small. The torsion curves of the basalt fiber modified concrete members obtained by numerical calculation accord with the measured results of related tests. Adding basalt fiber into gangue concrete can significantly improve the bonding performance of concrete mortar, which thus strengthens the torsional resistance of concrete members.


